Never flush a wipe

 Unlike “flushable” wipes, The UnWipe is safe for you, your plumbing, and your planet.

Never flush a wipe

Unlike “flushable” wipes, The UnWipe is safe for you, your plumbing, and your planet.

Never, and here's why!

It's not safe to flush a wipe, because they don't break down like toilet paper does. They can even have plastic fibers and binders. That clogs pipes, which costs folks like you more than a billion dollars a year to repair. It's not safe.

The UnWipe cleans safer, better

The UnWipe™ wipes replacement cleans better than toilet paper alone, costs less than the alternatives, and, unlike wipes, is totally safe to flush.

Level up your butt game with badass texture

The UnWipe puts a deep, rich texture on your own paper, and that cleans better. Simply press any toilet paper into the engineered mesh for ½ second, and wipe and flush like normal.

Press. Wipe.


Press. Wipe.


-15% sale
The UnWipe™ Original
The UnWipe™ Original $29.00 $34.00
The UnWipe is the world’s only textured hybrid wipe. Use it instead of costly "flushable" wipes.  It combines the availability and safe flushing of toilet paper with the strength, feel, and just-right wetness of wipes.  With a press and a wipe, The UnWipe makes your toilet paper feel soothing rather than scratchy. Plus it’s portable. Plus it’s earth-friendly. Plus it’s a one-time purchase.

The UnWipe cleaned parts I didn't know needed to be cleaned. 🤭

Molly H. Molly H.

It's very convenient. It cuts down on the amount of toilet paper needed but with a cleaner end result.

Noelle Noelle

Second day of using it and I love it. It's so dang cute. I love how it feels in my hand.

Isabella Isabella

People who use this instead of wipes will enjoy being kinder to the planet.

Regan Regan

It doesn't rub your butt raw because you have to wipe so many times [with dry paper] to get it clean. It is ultra-soft.

Dr. David Dr. David

Great product

Jennifer Jennifer

Clearly better than wipes. An improved 'experience' that makes me want to continue using The UnWipe every day.

Justin Justin

No "butts" about it, The UnWipe is amazing; I know this because I actually used it today.

Ann E. Ann E.

I switched to a high protein diet and didn't poop for 6 days so had to take some pills to help and now am very thankful for The UnWipe because plain toilet paper would have chewed up my butt.

Tom H. Tom H.

Upgrade your butt

Do good with barely any effort

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